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The future of energy - video

"In this video from the University of Cambridge, experts examine how the UK can keep the lights on while cutting emissions through new technology as well as behavioural change"

Category: Energy sources


Falkland Islands: Premier Oil plan leads UK and Argentina to new dispute

"Britain put itself on a collision course with Argentina over the disputed sovereignty of the Falkland Islands when it gave explicit support to a £600m plan to develop oil reserves in the south Atlantic on Wednesday."

Category: Energy sources


Global fight for natural resources 'has only just begun'

"Academics and business figures gave a grim warning at the Resource 2012 conference, but defended the Rio+20 outcomes _blank"


UK ranked most energy efficient of world's largest economies

"Study calculated each country's efforts to reduce energy use in industry, transport, and buildings as well as overall policies"

Category: Energy sources


How not to solve nuclear power's trust problem

"Continued secrecy, shown in stupidly brief minutes of official meetings, and entrenched attitudes lead to daft ideas like community-owned reactors"

Displaying results 81 to 85 out of 1050